Sulyap Gallery Cafe & Restaurant
When traveling to San Pablo, Laguna, visitors would be remiss to not make their way to Sulyap Gallery Café & Restaurant. Highlighting the historical past of the town it’s situated in, the compound features a museum, a boutique hotel, events spaces, a café, and a great restaurant for their guests and patrons.
A quick 2-hour drive from Metro Manila via SLEX takes you to the city of San Pablo where just off the main highway you will find the Cocoland compound and be transported to its nostalgic setting belonging to a bygone era.
The whole compound features classic Filipino colonial architecture and the food represents that as well.
A unique experience you can’t get anywhere else while giving guests and visitors a taste of the past.

Sulyap restaurant serves mainly Filipino dishes and the city’s specialties cooked in coconut milk. The restaurant is peaceful and picturesque, making you feel like you are having a meal in the Spanish era. Clean and elegant with great service, a visit here will surely not disappoint. They also feature a café where you can get a cup of coffee while immersing yourself in the atmosphere of your distinctive surroundings.

Boutique Hotel
The property also offers accommodations good for individuals, couples and families. Garbed in the same architectural style as the rest of the compound, a stay in their well-appointed rooms is surely an experience like no other. A good starting point if you’d like to explore San Pablo and the nearby towns of Alaminos, Nagcarlan, Majayjay, Liliw and others.

The Sulyap Museum showcases the wide-ranging antiques and religious memorabilia collection of Mr. Roy Empalmado, the owner of the compound.
Visitors will be fascinated to see his collection in good condition. Definitely an interesting place to check out while you’re in the property.

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Photos property of Livph