Daphne Oseña-Paez

Daphne Oseña-Paez
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Blogs about:
Style, Travel, Family, Design, Wellness, Food
Things you do in your free time:
Rest, lie down, stay home
What are your Pet peeves?
Top 3 things on your Bucket list?
I don't have a bucket list
People you admire?
My parents and siblings
Best advice you've ever been given?
Always know your stuff.
One thing that people don't know about you?
That I'm hilarious. Most people assume I am serious.
Coffee or Tea?
My one true regret is....
Nothing. Everything is a gift.
Your No.1 Karaoke song?
You Belong with Me by Taylor Swift
Top 3 things you'd bring if you were to get stuck on an island?
My husband, kids, and a solar-powered satellite phone
What makes you happy?
Little random moments with my family