
Bryan Yambao
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Hails From:
Originally Manila but now live in Stockholm
Blogs about:
Things you do in your free time:
I tend to travel a lot as part of my work so when I do have free time, I like to stay at home! Being at home is a form of vacation!
What are your Pet peeves?
I can't stand hypocrites and I definitely hate tardiness. Being late is the ultimate form of being inconsiderate!
Top 3 things on your Bucket list?
Would love to visit Antarctica before it totally disappears, go skydiving, have my own ranch complete with horses.
People you admire?
People who never gave up chasing their dreams
Best advice you've ever been given?
Follow the beat of your own drum
One thing that people don't know about you?
I'm a very good cook!
Coffee or Tea?
My one true regret is....
I don't really have one.
Your No.1 Karaoke song?
Rihanna - Shine Bright Like a Diamond
Top 3 things you'd bring if you were to get stuck on an island?
Cellphone, wallet and my husband
What makes you happy?
Making my family and friends happy makes me happy.