Laureen Uy

Laureen Uy
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Blogs About:
It focuses mainly on fashion and travel, the places to go to when you travel abroad and the restaurants I've tried that are worth sharing, etc.
Things you do in your free time:
Spend time with family and friends.
What are your Pet peeves?
Dirty nails
Top 3 things on your Bucket list?
Go see the Nothern Lights, travel to South Africa and go to Turkey to experience Hot Air Balloon in Cappadocia.
People you admire?
My siblings Vince and Liz.
Best advice you've ever been given?
Express yourself.
One thing that people don't know about you?
I used to be a basketball player back in high school.
Coffee or Tea?
I CANNOT CHOOSE!!!! Love both.
My one true regret is...
Not sleeping early when I was a kid. If I did that, I might be taller now lol.
Your No.1 Karaoke song?
Eraserheads songs.
Top 3 things you'd bring if you were to get stuck on an island?
Food, water and my (future) husband. LOL.
What makes you happy?