New Generation Moms
Being a mom is tough. Balancing work, a social life, personal relationships, and raising your kid to be the most perfect human being on this planet, while managing to look beautiful can be a big challenge. Back in the day, our own moms brought us up with their own different approaches to parenting which helped mold this generation into what it is today. In this new era where technology and information has become so significant in raising a child, these new generation moms share their own parenting style, life hacks and tricks of the trade to motherhood.
Michelle with Alejo, 8 and Elian, 5
"I think the best thing I can advise to first time moms is that it's okay to make mistakes. You will learn along the way. Give up all your cherished ideals and do it your way. Listen to your instincts. Do not compare yourself to other moms and do not compare your kids with other kids. Enjoy every moment and do not sweat on the small stuff."
Czarina, 32 and Andreo, 2
"I read a line from The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin which perfectly sums up what every new mom needs to remember - "The days are long but the years are short". Enjoy every moment with your kids, even the difficult ones because they grow up faster than you can imagine. Get down on the floor and play with them, give them your undivided attention, be silly and have fun. For a few years in your life, you'll get to feel how it is to be a child again, such a rare gift that we have to make the most of! Teach your kids that they cannot have whatever they want. While it is every parent's goal to make her child happy, ensuring that the child grows up to be a good person is just as important. Teach them with kindness, gentleness and compassion towards people from all walks of life. If you've ever dreamt of making a difference in this world, the best way to start would be with the kids you were given the privilege of raising."
JL, 32 and Tyler, 3
"Stressing the small stuff is never worth losing your calm. It gets better. All of it, so hang in there. The 2am (and 4am and 6am) feedings will pass, you will sleep again, and you will miss those quiet moments in the dark with the baby God has so graciously given you. I think the best thing that you can do is love your children, love their daddy and love yourself."
Joey, 27 and Kendal Victoria, 9 months
"Being a first time mom is a sudden lifestyle change in every way. Don't rush, take your time and be in the moment. Motherhood is fun and you'll never notice how fast it's all going so enjoy every part of it. Explore, make mistakes and learn from it. Be patient no matter how hard it gets. Also, don't forget to take care of yourself. Being a mom is never easy, but as they say is the most fulfilling job in the world."
Julie, 32 and Aleus, 8
"My advice to modern moms is that every kid is special and unique, every parent has their own way in raising their kids and showing their love for them. Parents know what is best for their kid. Spend more time with your kid because it means a lot to them."
Maricon, 31 and Nika, 11
"Cliche as it may seem but Motherhood really is the most difficult job in the world. Raising another human being is a very challenging task. To make things tougher, our very modern mixed up media world is setting standards on how to be a "Perfect Mom"- successful career, killer figure and attending to your child's every need all at the same time. Society just won't give us a break and if we can't do all these things, we tend to feel like we are not doing enough. I think the most important thing to remember as a mom is that there will be hundreds, even millions of times that you will doubt yourself and feel that you're failing- YOU'RE NOT. End of the day, you get things done, in you're own way and at your own pace and your child will still think that you're super mom!"
Gaile, 33 and Kian, 5 weeks
"As a new mom, the main thing I learned the past weeks was to be flexible. I no longer hold my own schedule. The baby dictates it and I have to adjust to his needs especially now that I do on demand breast feeding."
Arvi, 31 and Ava, 3
"There was this article about child-rearing and the philosophy behind it was, "Prepare your child for the path and not the path for your child." - this is what we have carried on since Ava came to our lives. We allow Ava to experience things without always worrying about being dirty, insect bites, falls and all those things that kids always seem to like. Of course we take precautions, but not to the point where we sacrifice moments and experiences. We also do a lot of bargaining, and I mean A LOT. It's funny, but at the same time, by doing this, we allow Ava to have her options and decide on things that she wants to do instead of just us telling or making the decisions for her. We always explain to her the situation and she gets to decide or give her opinion about it, the bargaining is where we try to explain to her the pros and cons of her decisions. I think this is great in building Ava's confidence because she knows that we value her opinions and hopefully, this will help her while growing up. She's not going to be afraid to speak out her mind but at the same time, she'll learn how to compromise. Thinking about it now, same as the method we chose in feeding Ava (Baby-Led Weaning), we also adapted the same baby-led approach to parenting. Instead of the parents always making the decisions, we just see what Ava does and respond to it. It actually make things easier and more fun. "
Grachel, 31 with Matthew, 9 and Gianna, 7
"Enjoy every moment with your kids, witness every milestone, attend all their school programs, take them to as many kiddie parties, eat sweets and be hyper with them, watch cartoons and movies together, travel and take them to beach trips or any outdoor activities, make time to do small things with your kids because they grow up faster than you think. It's okay to make mistakes, it's okay to panic, just make sure you learn from it and be better the next time. Being a Mom/Parent is not rocket science but definitely requires sacrifice and genuine love. "
Kat, 32 with Johan, 3 and Scarlett, 1
"My advice for first time moms is to not be afraid of setting rules and discipline to your kids at an early age. Simple rules like no ipad on school days and packing away after playtime will make your life a whole lot easier and less stressful. Just be firm on it."
Ice,30 with Dustin,
10 and William, 8
"Love yourself first - this may sound selfish but I want to be an example to my children. Take time for yourself, find your own voice and find out who you really are. I want my family to do the same, to grow the love from within so that the people around you will have great self respect too. So your life will not be dictated by what other people think. Many people will have advices but all that matters, in the end of the day, is love and respect - from this, you can follow your dreams, help others, and be happy."
Nadia, 31 with Miguel, 10 and Juan, 4
"Don't blink. Embrace every single moment. Every hug, even the crying and fits coz time flies and they grow up so fast and while they do, it's important to find the happy in each day. Take as much photos and videos as possible. And don't stress over the small things, learn to let go and breathe. It's okay to be less than perfect, do what your gut tells you and what you feel is right. Even the supermoms don't know what they're doing sometimes. We are all just winging it!"
Carmina, 32 and Andres, 3
"As a first time mom, one thing that really worked for me while raising my son is that I never allowed him to use gadgets or television from birth until he reached the age of 2. I invested time in reading books to him to widen his vocabulary and have always spoken to him like an adult. When it comes to discipline, I believe in positive discipline but we should also manage them while they are little, meaning, we have to be consistent with the rules and limitations we set for them while they are young. Leadership begins at home."
Maricar, 34 and Maxine, 12
"There are so many things I love about being a mom. It is the most beautiful, overwhelming, amazing and heart warming gift I've ever received. It's a matter of balancing life! We are role models and inspirations to our children. Powering moms who empower kids!"
Richelle, 35 with Helena, 5 and Lucia, 1
"Its hard to really give "the best parenting advice or tip" but so far in the almost 6 years of being a mom, I just make sure I am totally involved and present in my childrens life. I have never relied on a yaya to care for both my kids. I am the "ever present" mom and companion. I am there every step of the way as they grow up. Helena and Lucia are both very independent and confident and I can tell that this is because they feel secure and loved. Being present also allows me to really get to know each child and adjust how I teach or discipline them depending on their personality. Accepting that each child is different and loving their unique traits make parenting just a little bit easier. Oh, and I always make sure that they have "limits". I don't give in to every request or give in just so they stop crying. The moment kids know your vulnerability as a parent they will use the same trick to get their way again and again... so set limits and kids will have less tantrums for parents to deal with."
Icel, 32 and Mia, 1
"Trust your gut and as long as you have your kids' best interest at heart, you're doing a great job!"
Roxanne, 29 and Elleana, 7 Weeks
"As a new mother, feeding, sleeping and diapering for a newborn baby is a challenge but the support of family and friends are necessary. I don’t know what I’d do without them. So new moms, I encourage you to listen politely, smile, learn to know your instinct as a mother and nod along with all those supreme parenting ways. And don’t forget to spare a little time for yourself. Despite the exhaustion, postpartum-blues and stretched-out mama-belly, YOU are still a beautiful woman!"
Karina, 26 and Inigo Miguel, 8
"Year 2016 is truly a New Generation to all of us. Our world has revolved to a technology that made our lives better and easier, a.k.a Generation Z, a world wherein everything is just a click away. Motherhood, if I may say, have also been a part of this new era. Everything has been so convenient for us, thanks to Google, it taught me a lot of life hacks/lessons!Being a single mother at 18, I honestly didn't have a clue on how to take care of my son alone 7 years ago. Smart phones were still on the rise and WiFi has become mainstream over the past decade.However, as the world advances, so is our parenting skills. My son, who is turning 7, has a "close relationship" with his IPad, but in a good way. He learned to spell and read sentences better, as well as getting information and an advantage in education. We also play different games like Minecraft, Growtopia, Boom Beach and even Clash of Clans even if we don't really understand it that much. To be honest, we love learning together! It makes our bond closer while he is happily growing up.But to raise a kid alone is pretty hard, I make sure that there are still rules being followed as I stand both Mother/Father to him. In this generation, one thing I learned is that you have to keep an open mind on everything, as the world is at your fingertips. Try to experience it first hand and join them.I believe Millenial parents have also acquired this practice and I'm glad that we are in a stage where parenting is a fun and loving experience. #RockstarMom"
Lib, 32 and Dallas, 2
"Mothering comes naturally, so take things as it is. There are no 101's or how to's on becoming a perfect mother, in your child's eyes you are perfect. So, stop worrying if you're doing the right thing, and just enjoy every blissful moment with your child."
Liz, 31 and Reiley Louise, 7 Months
"Enjoy every second of motherhood. Don't worry too much Mommah, you are doing a great job with your baby. Always follow what your heart tells you to do. In motherhood, there's no right or wrong decision...just LOVE."
Papo, 30 and Lucia, 6
"I think the most important advice given to me and really the one that I kept by heart is to spend as much time with your kids, play with them, get to know them. I remember when I used to work for an airline, before leaving id tell Lucia to not worry because "Nanay" (me) will come back with toys etc, Lucia goes: I don't need toys anymore, I want you with me. I think love is really spelled T-I-M-E for kids. This and lots and lots of prayers"